
EPA Awards Brownfields Grants to Huntington


Former industrial sites in Huntington will soon be getting a facelift thanks to federal grant dollars awarded to the city.

The federal Environmental Protection Agency announced grants totaling $400,000 for the city of Huntington Tuesday as a part of the agency’s brownfields program. A brownfield in a former industrial or commercial site prohibited from development because of environmental contamination. The grants will allow the city to clean up multiple industrial sites including a property that sits on 3rd avenue just down from Marshall University’s campus.

Earlier this year the city of Huntington was awarded an additional $200,000 by the EPA. That’s $600,000 Huntington will use for redevelopment.

Since 1995, EPA’s Brownfields Program has awarded more than $22 billion for cleanup and redevelopment on brownfield sites across the country.

The Coalfield Development Corporation was also awarded $192,300 to help with development of a job training facility from an old clothing factory near Huntington.

Martinsburg, like Huntington, was also awarded two $200,000 grants. And the Business Development Corporation of the Northern Panhandle was awarded three grants totaling $600,000.